So this happens when a little bundle takes over your life. The Tyke arrived on 12th Rabi ul Awwal, also 20th March 2008. Ma was here two days before The Arrival, so I had help, all the same I find Mommyhood overwhelming. I panicked into day three into Mommyhood, had loads of other issues that had to be battled and over come. The Tyke would be a month old day after tomorrow and I blog about hime's not as if I was waiting on SZI, that's Tyke, all the time 24/7 for a month. I've left him with his Nano and Dado twice now and run errands with Z. We've been out and about, even doing grocery when he was barely a week old!
So we now have a baby boy to put all those lovely clothes on, cuddle, clean, bathe, love and generally have our lives taken over by him.
I just don't know what to write when it comes to him, my Tyke life has changed entirely and I don't mind it one fact, I'm lovin' it!
On another note, I've been blogging since ages now, December 2002, to be exact...long journey and what paltry content to show for it!